Monday, 19 December 2011

Here are some more of my favourite character actors

"Hello, my name is F Murray Abraham. The F stands for 'fucking sneaky sonofabitch'. 

I'm always up in them Hollywood films, double crossing motherfuckers like nobody's business. I have personally orchestrated the deaths of Angel Fernandez in Scarface and Wolfgang Mozart in Amadeus amongst many others."

"Hi, my name is Reginal VelJohnson and I'm pretty much the least threatening black man of all time not counting Mos Def. 

Now most of you probably recognise me as Al the Twinkie-scoffing patrolman from the Die Hard franchise, then again if you grew up in front of a TV in late 1980s you might be thinking 'oh shit that's Carl Winslow from Family Matters! The series that festooned that Steve Urkel dickhead onto the world and basically made The Cosby Show look like Apocalypse fucking Now by comparison!'

Some of you might even remember my turn as Gus the limo driver from Crocodile Dundee or as the guy who let the Ghostbusters out of the tank to go and meet with the mayor."

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